Although I have taken on a full time job...........which I love...............and by the end of my shift I have found myself exhausted at times...............

I have still managed to stay on top of my gardening and to get the things taken care of that I need to do in it. This weekend I was able to harvest the radishes I had planted! They are a little smaller than the ones I buy in town, but they taste wonderful!

These radish seeds came from Hometown seeds, in a survival package they sent to me. I have to say that these seeds are wonderful! They all sprouted when the instructions on them have said they would and the plants seem very healthy. This weekend I planted the last of the packages. I planted Kentucky Wonder Beans and Sweet Corn. I planted squash,
zucchini, tomato, pepper and cucumber last week in containers in the greenhouse. The cucumbers have already sprouted and I will transplant them to the garden in about a couple of weeks or so. I have never had much luck with corn. In the early stages of the plant, the large moths that live in this area , lay their eggs inside of the stalks. The larvae, when hatched, them eat on the new corn. What the worms do not get, the birds destroy. So I am anxious to see how this turns out this year. All together, I have been very pleased with this seed company. They send such a great amount in the packages, that I still have so much seed left for future planting, and it looks like I might have a wonderful harvest from their seeds.