Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Being Happy In Any Circumstances

Annabelle is one of the oldest ducks here on the farm. She is from the first batch that I brought out here over 8 years ago. Because the drakes are too aggressive with her, I have her separated during the day so that she can enjoy walking the grounds and swimming in her pool.
Her pool sprung a leak. I poured out the water and had to remove it to place some adhesive on it and to allow it to dry. This did not bother Annabelle at all. As you can see, she is just as happy in a mud puddle. As I walked upon this scene, it made me think of Paul in the Bible when he stated that he had learned to be happy no matter what his circumstance might be............
"Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need."Philippians 4:11-12
I have to say...............before we lived here..............we lived in a small a horrible gang and drug ridden neighborhood.................yet, even at that time, I was content...............a little scared...............but content. I worked the small ground and watched things sprout and bloom.............I raised 3 little ones and we had the sweetest times there. Now I look at my life.............more ground to work.......... my nest is just about empty(this is somewhat sad for me).........but I am content...........and grateful.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snowy Day and Blossoms

Another snow came along and snowed for a good part of the day. Just for a while, I sat out in the frozen stillness of the front porch and watched the big flakes fall. My gardens are ready for planting..........but on days like this...........I spend much of the time designing, planning, and stitching. My "site" is ready for me to start selling my handmades "on line", but no matter how long I takes forever to get enough things accumulated to sell.
In no time, the sun came out and the snow quickly melted. Even in these frozen temperatures, the stock flower produces it's fragrant blossoms in the vibrant color of purple. This is such a strong, hardy plant. It stays green all year long. It grows up to 2 ft. with wood like stalks and can tolerate the Texas heat and drought. I have just transplanted a little over 80 of these young plants in a solid role to serve as a natural fence along my flower garden. So far, some of these plants have lived here on the grounds for 2 years.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Gardening Regions

I spent a big part of my day researching zones and regions for Texas, and the seeds I received, and whether or not they could be planted during our long spring and summer seasons. I was surprised to find out that I can now plant the beets, cabbage( will sprout these indoors first), carrots, Swiss chard, spinach, and radishes between now and March.............and then plant them again at fall time. The radishes I can actually hold off until later, if I want. I have not planted much of these types of vegetables, so I am learning a lot........ just from accepting these seeds. I have also changed the plans on where I am going to plant the root vegetables. The ground of garden spaces I have worked over during the years is so much deeper and softer, than the new space I have just tilled........... a much better place for carrots to develop, as well as beets and radishes. So I will just go along and find the right spots as the time approaches for each vegetable seed to be planted and hope that I am successful. It is freezing today......with a chance of snow. I am planning on planting in a couple of weeks.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Early Planting

This week, I spent much of my time finding the perfect spot
for a new garden space. I have my original garden spaces that I used last year, and really was not planning on planting too much more than what I have planted in the past. However, in the mail today, came a large batch of seeds. Some vegetables, like corn, tomato, squash and peppers, I have grown before, but other vegetables such as beets, Swiss chard and cabbage, I have never tried.
I tilled up a fairly good size area, and there is still plenty untouched area if I decide I need more planting room. I usually wait until Good Friday to do my planting, however, with the cabbage, onion, Swiss chard and beets, I am going to be planting by the first week of March. Some seed I will be starting in the greenhouse and then planting after they sprout and harden off. I am really doing this garden as part of a test to see how some of my composted soil does compared to the regular existing soil. I also plan to start my pumpkin seeds soon, as I really like planting the plants instead of the seed right into the ground. By the time May comes, I should have sturdy will rooted plants. I still need to put up a surrounding fence to keep out the rabbits and I also worry about the harsh winds that I know will soon begin to blow.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New In The Nests

From all of the heavy rain and snow, the hen house has become extremely dirty. I usually always fill the nests with fresh hay.............which in no time winds up scratched out of the boxes and onto the hen house floor. In no time the nest boxes are bare.
This weekend, I tried something new.............although I have to say, I was a little hesitant to try it. And I have to was on sale and extremely cheap......................wood shavings. Upon opening the bag, I was surprised to find the shavings very soft and not splintery as I thought they would be. I filled the nests boxes and put some underneath them on the floor..............a place where some of the hens like to make a nest.
By the time I had the partial bag put away in storage and came back to the hen house, Clara Bell had already made herself comfortable. So far the nest boxes are still full and the chickens have left the shavings alone. They are not interested in trying to eat it either...........which was one worry I had had. I have noticed that in other stores, this type of bedding is more expensive than the hay I buy. But I won't mind paying a little extra if this lasts longer.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

There's always a way!

Talking with different people about selling my potted plants from my greenhouse, led me to the realization that one cannot sell growing plants without a LICENSE.
Not even in front of one's own home. One can sell produce from any thing they grow, just not the living plant itself. After some research and a few phone calls, the most effective call placed to Austin, Texas, I hold in my hand the application for the license to sell my potted plants! There are different class license with different fees. I fall under a class 2, where I can sell out of my greenhouse and from my home. The fee is $110.00 a year. I got the license application just by calling the state Department of Agriculture and a very informative person, emailed the required documents to me to print off. Now my only obstacle is I don't have near enough potted plants sprouted to make up for the license fee and I don't have yet enough customers to purchase them. I want to at least double my money to make up for the fee. So, this license application will go rest in my file and I will set out to work on planting, sprouting, and getting word out about my plants.
My have this accomplished by next year................time will tell. But I am glad in all of this that there is always a way to make something work!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Timing And Experience

Last night was the first Farmer's Market meeting. I was asked to bring my embroidery work to show to everyone. So with a bag full of my work and my dreams ..........of being this little my mind.........I found myself in a small group of the friendliest folk. They loved my work, my ideas of selling it, along with flowers and pumpkins I hope to sell as well, ...........yet in the middle of it all...........I realized, how really unprepared I am.
I have only small gardens, no tractor, acres of unworked land, and big...................dreams.
These seasoned farmers were talking about their tractors, their acres of worked, plowed land and of all of the produce they will have every Saturday and Tuesday from July through October.
My embroidery takes weeks to months to finish,................. my garden only produces enough (if I were lucky) to sell one good sell. I am thinking of keeping my embroidery to sell "on line" and my flowers and pumpkins, the small batch there will local small stores...............for right now...........until I really get things going in bigger ways. I have until July to give this a lot of thought. Only time and experience will tell.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In The Quiet Of The Woods

Even though at this time of year, the woods that surround the farm are still, bare, and quiet,'s one of my favorite times to walk around and explore the secrets it is hiding among it's thorns and brush. I have to say, also, that the woods are one of my favorite things about where I live. It would not be the same to live out in the open with nothing but cotton fields to look across.The moss and fungus that exists on some of the trees is such an interesting thing to look at. Some times it is soft like velvet and deep green, sometimes it is a jade color and rubbery. I know that one day when I grow too old to live this far out, and I have to choose to live in a cubicle in town............I will look back on these days when I was free to roam and explore.
"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:1